Since all these were happened a looooooooong time back and since my memory is so powerful, I’m not able to recollect everything.. but still..
First of all 'Hats off' to those who arranged for the party.. those ppl did a great job and made this event an experience.
The design circle was ready with music never before; rented speakers and amplifier really added to the atmosphere! But guys, it’s Diwali.. and how can we ever forget Diyas.. well.. we adjusted with candles anyway. .
But there’s no compromise for FireWorks, sparklers, ‘Anars’, rockets, ‘Pathakas’…
Explosive Diwlai!
But wait.. Moveover, it was our Se*y Shantanu's Birthday!!…. And the music is on.. and IDCians are addicted to it.. dancing…
But this time, we had to cut it very early …
Very early at 2.00am since we had to attend the morning lecture at 8.30 am the very next day.
Bombing “Hira Nandani” !
Well, No one except a few of us got the luxury of being in Powali for diwali.
Most of them had moved to their hometowns.. and IDC was almost deserted!
It was the beautiful scenery of HN from Hostel 7 that invited us there.
Hiranandani, brightly lit with thousands of lights and the colorful fireworks reflected in the Powai lake.. most memorable image ever. Gotta capture it into a camera next year!
Whatever, it was a small group of four of us who decided to literally blast the event.
We went to HN, and meera had a lot of ‘bombs’ (that green threaded cracker!!) and we literally exploded the area..
You know why.. it was too late and almost all the fireworks had finished in that area. Ppls were just standing outside the apartments (if there were any….) .. complete “lukha” atmosphere. And “BANG”!! that was from our side!!
Seriously Man...I look like someone out of a war scene! The Smiling Survivor whose Army has just taken over the enemy!
hey shantanoo wat had happend on the diwali de.... ur pic is so horifying... i did not notice ne thing like that wen i met u afterwards?
happy birth day to shantanoo
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