Dahi handi or Holi???
No idea!!.. whatever it may be... IDCians know only one thing.. FUN!! .. he he he :)
I don't remember a Dahi handi celebration in IDC last year. Well, this year too we never thought it's gonna have this kind of a blast... Well... not just me.. no one including the guys who organised this didn't really know that it's going to blast off!!!
Well.. it all started with the IDC speciall water-masti under the IDC tree!.
Ok.. now it's time to have a break for a group photo...
Say Cheeese..... "Grrrrbbgrrr..!!!"
Ok.. now .. a little bit of mud bath for added fun :)
And ya.. it's time to break the pot;.... Gentlemen first..
sorry.. no good quality photographs :(
He he.. Why on earth he tried to break the pot with his head?? well.. you guess what happned :)
It's Ladies' turn now!..
Here they go...
First try
Well.. they're determined..!.. second try!
And again!!.. great going friends!
Hmm.. she was almost there... but alas!!!! ...just because we raised the pot ..hee hee ;)
No way!!.. tried agggain!!!
and..... Success!!!!!
It's time for celebration!!
And to finish it off,....
MudSlide Masti!
And.. the tableau team!
KingMonte special:
and more:
.Foot Note:
I'm not exaggerating... Blah!!!
There were a lot of earthworms in that mud pit!!
and obviously inside our clothes too!! :D
See.. how difficult it is to have fun!!
Well, whatever...
we're here enjoyin ourselves to the max... not just because we could get in....
but THE ONE ABOVE helped us a lot to be here.. .. :)
now.. enjaaay!!